Information regarding our solutions for various industries:

Currently, the worldwide commercial aviation industry is valued at nearly US $5 trillion. This sector is expected to grow at an unprecedented rate in the coming years. This growth is expected be driven by trends like urbanization, and global liberalization of air travel regulations. In parallel, key industry players have committed to ambitious targets related to fuel efficiency and reduced aircraft weight. Additionally, there are ongoing developments that aim to reduce carbon emissions, and lower noise levels.

In recent years, the global automotive industry has faced many difficulties, including a decline in demand in several key markets, and shifting from traditional car ownership to ride-sharing and rentals – made easier by emerging technologies. Additionally, as legislative authorities and environmental protection agencies struggle to keep up with the latest developments in the automotive industry, they introduce more and more legislation and standards – affecting vehicle costs.

Case Study
In recent years, the orthopedic industry has been revolutionized by the widespread adaption of joint replacement surgery, with nearly 3 million procedures performed annually worldwide. Today, the most common form of these procedures is one where a damaged joint is replaced with a prosthetic. And while this exciting development enables new treatment options, it also presents multiple challenges related to material processing.

Oil & Gas
While the oil, gas, and energy industries may differ from each other, they all have some similarities: The continuous need to increase the capacity of existing equipment, lower cycle times, and reduce the down-times to a minimum; All without compromising on quality and consistency.

The unstable nature of the semiconductor business presents a problem for many manufacturers of cutting tools. It is of upmost importance that the company you’re working with is able to react to the major fluctuations in order size, and is capable of absorbing a sudden growth in volume.

Wind Power
Typically, the production of gears for wind turbine applications is a task that requires high precision in all manufacturing steps. This is because once the turbine is deployed in the field, the charges associated with a malfunction (the downtime costs, as well as the price of the repairs) can reach staggering levels. As a result, the production of the gears must be optimized to ensure that their lifespan remains as long as possible. This means that every manufacturing step should be carefully monitored, in order to achieve the high reliability needed for continuous operation in harsh outdoor environments.